Micro Frontends: Reinventing UI In The Microservices World

Velotio Technologies
7 min readMay 26, 2020


It is amazing how the software industry has evolved. Back in the day, the software was a simple program. Some of the first software applications like The Apollo Missions Landing modules and Manchester Baby were basic stored procedures. The software was primarily used for research and mathematical purposes.

The invention of personal computers and the prominence of the Internet changed the software world. Desktop applications like word processors, spreadsheets, and games grew. Websites gradually emerged. Back then, simple pages were delivered to the client as static documents for viewing. By the mid-1990s, with Netscape introducing client-side scripting language, JavaScript and Macromedia bringing in Flash, the browser became more powerful, allowing websites to become richer and more interactive. In 1999, the Java language introduced Servlets. And thus born the Web Application. Nevertheless, these developments and applications were still simpler. Engineers didn’t emphasize enough on structuring them and mostly built unstructured monolithic applications.

Fig: How Facebook’s website looked in the 90s

The advent of disruptive technologies like cloud computing and Big data paved the way for more intricate, convolute web and native mobile applications. From e-commerce and video streaming apps to social media and photo editing, we had applications doing some of the most complicated data processing and storage tasks. The traditional monolithic way now posed several challenges in terms of scalability, team collaboration and integration/deployment, and often led to huge and messy The Ball Of Mud codebases.

Fig: Monolithic Application Problems — Source

To untangle this ball of software, came in a number of service-oriented architectures. The most promising of them was Microservices — breaking an application into smaller chunks that can be developed, deployed and tested independently but worked as a single cohesive unit. Its benefits of scalability and ease of deployment by multiple teams proved as a panacea to most of the architectural problems. A few front-end architectures also came up, such as MVC, MVVM, Web Components, to name a few. But none of them were fully able to reap the benefits of Microservices.

Fig: Microservice Architecture — Source

Micro Frontends: The Concept‍

Micro Frontends first came up in ThoughtWorks Technology Radar where they assessed, tried, and eventually adopted the technology after noticing significant benefits. It is a Microservice approach to front-end web development where independently deliverable front-end applications are composed as a whole.

With Microservices, Micro Frontends breaks the last monolith to create a complete Micro-Architecture design pattern for web applications. It is entirely composed of loosely coupled vertical slices of business functionality rather than in horizontals. We can term these verticals as ‘Microapps’. This concept is not new and has appeared in Scaling with Microservices and Vertical Decomposition. It first presented the idea of every vertical being responsible for a single business domain and having its presentation layer, persistence layer, and a separate database. From the development perspective, every vertical is implemented by exactly one team and no code is shared among different systems.

Fig: Micro Frontends with Microservices (Micro-architecture)

Why Micro Frontends?

A microservice architecture has a whole slew of advantages when compared to monolithic architectures.

Ease of Upgrades — Micro Frontends build strictly bounded contexts in the application. Applications can be updated in a more incremental and isolated fashion without worrying about the risks of breaking up another part of the application.

Scalability — Horizontal scaling is easy for Micro Frontends. Each Micro Frontend has to be stateless for easier scalability.

Ease of deployability: Each Micro Frontend has its CI/CD pipeline, that builds, tests, and deploys it to production. So it doesn’t matter if another team is working on a feature and has pushed a bug fix or if a cutover or refactoring is taking place. There should be no risks involved in pushing changes done on a Micro Frontend as long as there is only one team working on it.

Team Collaboration and Ownership: The Scrum Guide says that “ Optimal Development Team size is small enough to remain nimble and large enough to complete significant work within a Sprint “. Micro Frontends are perfect for multiple cross-functional teams that can completely own a stack (Micro Frontend) of an application from UX to Database design. In the case of an E-commerce site, the Product team and the Payment team can concurrently work on the app without stepping on each other’s toes.

Micro Frontend Integration Approaches

There is a multitude of ways to implement Micro Frontends. It is recommended that any approach for this should take a Runtime integration route instead of a Build Time integration, as the former has to re-compile and release on every single Micro Frontend to release any one of the Micro Frontend’s changes.

We shall learn some of the prominent approaches of Micro Frontends by building a simple Pet Store E-Commerce site. The site has the following aspects (or Microapps, if you will) — Home or Search, Cart, Checkout, Product, and Contact Us. We shall only be working on the Front-end aspect of the site. You can assume that each Microapp has a microservice dedicated to it in the backend. You can view the project demo here and the code repository here. Each way of integration has a branch in the repo code that you can check out to view.

Single Page Frontends -

The simplest way (but not the most elegant) to implement Micro Frontends is to treat each Micro Frontend as a single page.

Fig: Single Page Micro Frontends: Each HTML file is a frontend.

It is one of the purest ways of doing Micro Frontends because no container or stitching element binds the front ends together into an application. Each Micro Frontend is a standalone app with each dependency encapsulated in it and no coupling with the others. The flipside of this approach is that each frontend has a lot of duplication in terms of cross-cutting concerns like headers and footers, which adds redundancy and maintenance burden.

JavaScript Rendering Components (Or Web Components, Custom Element)-

As we saw above, single-page Micro Frontend architecture has its share of drawbacks. To overcome these, we should opt for an architecture that has a container element that builds the context of the app and the cross-cutting concerns like authentication, and stitches all the Micro Frontends together to create a cohesive application.

As you can see, this approach is pretty neat and encapsulates a separate class for Micro Frontends. All other Micro Frontends extend from this. Notice how all the functionality related to Microapp is encapsulated in the respective Micro Frontend. This makes sure that concurrent work on a Micro Frontend doesn’t mess up some other Micro Frontends.

Everything will work in a similar paradigm when it comes to Web Components and Custom Elements.


With the client-side JavaScript frameworks being very popular, it is impossible to leave React from any Front End discussion. React being a component-based JS library, much of the things discussed above will also apply to React. I am going to discuss some of the technicalities and challenges when it comes to Micro Frontends with React.


Since there should be minimum sharing of code between any Micro Frontend, styling the React components can be challenging, considering the global and cascading nature of CSS. We should make sure styles are targeted on a specific Micro Frontend without spilling over to other Micro Frontends. Inline CSS, CSS in JS libraries like Radium, and CSS Modules, can be used with React.


Using React with Redux is kind of a norm in today’s front-end world. The convention is to use Redux as a single global store for the entire app for cross-application communication. A Micro Frontend should be self-contained with no dependencies. Hence each Micro Frontend should have its own Redux store, moving towards a multiple Redux store architecture.

Other Noteworthy Integration Approaches -

Server-side Rendering — One can use a server to assemble Micro Frontend templates before dispatching it to the browser. SSI techniques can be used too.

iframes — Each Micro Frontend can be an iframe. They also offer a good degree of isolation in terms of styling, and global variables don’t interfere with each other.


With Microservices, Micro Frontends promise to bring in a lot of benefits when it comes to structuring a complex application and simplifying its development, deployment, and maintenance.

But there is a wonderful saying that goes “there is no one-size-fits-all approach that anyone can offer you. The same hot water that softens a carrot hardens an egg”. Micro Frontend is no silver bullet for your architectural problems and comes with its own share of downsides. With more repositories, more tools, more build/deploy pipelines, more servers, more domains to maintain, Micro Frontends can increase the complexity of an app. It may render cross-application communication difficult to establish. It can also lead to duplication of dependencies and an increase in application size.

Your decision to implement this architecture will depend on many factors like the size of your organization and the complexity of your application. Whether it is a new or legacy codebase, it is advisable to apply the technique gradually over time and review its efficacy over time.

Originally published at https://www.velotio.com.



Velotio Technologies
Velotio Technologies

Written by Velotio Technologies

Velotio Technologies is an outsourced software and product development partner for technology startups & enterprises. #Cloud #DevOps #ML #UI #DataEngineering

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